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We are currently open for in-person visits here at the clinic. You will have the option of coming into the office or continuing with telehealth during your original ongoing time. We will continue use updated safety procedures for all people who enter the clinic. Every therapist/child will sanitize hands when they arrive and leave the clinic. Each session will end a couple of minutes early so all toys and equipment used as well as the treatment area can be thoroughly cleaned and ready for the next child.  Most of our staff will be wearing masks during sessions. If a parent requests that their child wear a mask the therapist will honor the request. Any parent that attends the session will be asked to wear a mask. It would greatly appreciate that if you and your child already have a mask that you please bring your own. Keeping social distancing in mind we are asking that only the child come back for the therapy session, to limit the number of people in the clinic. If not, only one adult will be able to attend the session, and no siblings or family members. The waiting room will be closed. We will ask parents to either wait outside or in their cars after they check-in. 


In addition, we would like to request If you or your child are showing signs of illness, have a fever, have a cough, are experiencing difficulty breathing or have been in contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19 in the last 14 days we ask that you let us know so we can cancel your appointments temporarily. We will be canceling appointments if signs of illness or fever are present at the door. We really want to provide quality therapy services for your child and all your assistance regarding keeping therapy as safe as possible would really appreciate it. We are continuing to follow recommended COVID-19 procedures to ensure the safety of all patients and staff. 

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